You can then triage your inbox and decide what you'd like to accomplish today.
Adding tasks to your inbox
Frogtab makes it easy to capture any thoughts or potential tasks that arise as you're working through your priorities for the day.
You don't need to fill in lots of information when you capture a task - you can add the task to your inbox without getting distracted.
To add a task to your inbox, use either of the following methods:
Write down the task in your inbox.
Open Send to Frogtab in a new tab, then write down the task and click the send button.
This method is great if you want to capture the task without revealing your inbox (e.g., during a meeting).
Select a day, then write down your recurring tasks for that day. For example:
If you like planning in the evening, write down your recurring tasks under the previous day,
with # in front of each task. For example:
You'll then be able to see the recurring tasks one day in advance.
When Frogtab adds the tasks to your inbox, they'll be snoozed (because of the #), so they won't cause Frogtab to display a notification badge.
After you've finished writing down your recurring tasks, close the tab.
Tracking your completed tasks
If you enable the Achievements feature, Frogtab can record your completed tasks.
Frogtab will disable Achievements when you
click here.
Your completed tasks will be deleted.
To complete a task, put your cursor anywhere in the task, then press ⌘ + K (macOS) or Ctrl + K (Windows/Linux).
Frogtab moves the task to your completed tasks.
When you complete a task, Frogtab sets the completion date to today's date.
To control the completion date, use a completion command instead of ⌘ + K or Ctrl + K.
If you accidentally complete a task, you can mark it as incomplete and remove it from your completed tasks.
Click Edit at the top of the Achievements page, select
Today or Inbox as the new location for the task, then click the task to move it.
Frogtab will forget this device when you
click here.
Your personal link will be permanently deactivated.
To send tasks to Frogtab from any device, you'll need to re-register this device and get a new personal link.
Forgetting this device…
If this device is registered, you'll see a cloud icon at the top of Frogtab.
The cloud icon means that Frogtab is ready to receive tasks from your personal link.
More details about your personal link:
Anyone who knows your personal link can send tasks to your inbox.
Tasks may take up to 10 minutes to appear in your inbox.
To force Frogtab to check for new tasks, reload Frogtab.
If you clear your browsing data, your personal link will stop working.
To reactivate your personal link, import your Frogtab data
(assuming that you've previously exported a backup).
Or you can re-register this device and get a new personal link.
Overview of data privacy
Frogtab stores the following data that you create:
The contents of Today and Inbox
Recurring tasks from your weekly routine
Your completed tasks (part of the Achievements feature)
Your data is stored in your browser and isn't sent to a server.
If you like, you can export a backup of your data.
To learn more, see Exporting your data.
Frogtab doesn't use cookies, collect PII, serve ads, or track you in any way.
Privacy implications of registering
If you choose to register this device, Frogtab generates identification and encryption credentials for this device. The credentials are stored in your browser and are included if you export a backup of your data.
The credentials are also stored on a server, with the exception of a private key that Frogtab uses to decrypt tasks received from your personal link.
You can delete the credentials from the server at any time.
To delete the credentials, go to Registering for a personal link, then click Forget this device.
More details about how your personal link works:
When you use your personal link to send a task to Frogtab, the task is first encrypted on the sending device.
The encrypted task is then sent to the server.
Only this device is permitted to download the encrypted task from the server.
After downloading the encrypted task, Frogtab decrypts the task using a private key that never leaves this device.
The server deletes the encrypted task as soon as it has been downloaded.
Your data is stored in your browser.
To export a backup of your data, click
at the bottom of Frogtab, then click Export My Data.
Some browsers support automatic backups.
If your browser supports automatic backups, click Enable Auto-Backup at the bottom of Frogtab, then specify where to save the backup file.
Frogtab will update the backup file whenever your data changes.
If your browser doesn't support automatic backups, you won't see Enable Auto-Backup.
If you want automatic backups, you'll need to run Frogtab Local on your computer.
To enable automatic backups, select a backup method:
As part of the Achievements feature,
you can export your completed tasks in todo.txt format.
To export your completed tasks, click Edit at the top of the Achievements page,
then click Export a todo.txt file.
Frogtab will restore your data from when you next reload Frogtab.
As part of the Achievements feature,
you can import completed tasks in todo.txt format:
If you haven't completed any tasks in Frogtab, click Import at the top of the Achievements page, then select a todo.txt file.
If you have completed some tasks in Frogtab, you'll need to manually merge your Frogtab completed tasks with your completed tasks from outside Frogtab.
Click Edit at the top of the Achievements page, then click Export a todo.txt file.
The todo.txt file contains your Frogtab completed tasks.
Edit the todo.txt file to include your completed tasks from outside Frogtab, then click Import the todo.txt file and select the updated todo.txt file.
Completion commands are part of the Achievements feature.
You can use completion commands to control the completion date when completing tasks.
To use a command, write the command in front of a task, then press Enter.
x -n, where n is a number
Completes a task and sets the completion date to n days in the past.
To set the completion date of a task to yesterday's date,
write x -1 in front of the task, then press Enter.
x day, where day is one of mon to sun
Completes a task and sets the completion date to day from the past week.
To set the completion date of a task to the most recent Friday,
write x fri in front of the task, then press Enter.
Customizing the tab icon
Whenever Frogtab displays a notification badge, Frogtab tries to put a badge on the tab icon too.
Some browsers (e.g., Safari) don't support this feature. If you want this feature, you'll need to use a workaround.
To enable the workaround, use this version of Frogtab.
Frogtab will periodically reload itself to update the tab icon.
When Frogtab reloads itself, your undo history will be lost. Frogtab will only reload itself when the tab isn't active.
If your browser supports Frogtab's default way of updating the tab icon, but you prefer no badge on the tab icon, you can use this version of Frogtab.
Changing the theme
Select a theme:
Sending tasks via a terminal
As an alternative to using Send to Frogtab,
you can send tasks to Frogtab via a terminal. To enable this feature:
Choose a label for Frogtab.
For example, work or personal.
Modify the URL of Frogtab to include the label.
For example,
To send a task to Frogtab, use python
For example:
python work "Record a new product demo"
The task will appear in your inbox after a few seconds.